Ramya and me on Ramya's scooter

A free production of traditional dance to classical karnatic music depicts a hindu epic

At the temple in my sari

Woman sits weaving garlands of jasmine for women's hair. Most married women wear fresh jasmine garlands every day.

The sales-girls pose with me in my 800 rupee ($20) silk saree that adorn my futon when I get home- It's practical, I swear!

Flowers Everywhere! Jasmine garlands adorn the city every day

Typical Madras fruit stand

Pomegranites and a sweet but potato-looking fruit are on offer

Cart of bananas makes its way to one of the many fruit stands around Chennai

Overnight rains in Chennai give a small taste of the bigger monsoon season in November

"Romantic" sunset boat ride at the boating club in the estuary of the Bay of Bengal

Ominous monsoonal skies over the Bay of Bengal at sunset

Riding horses at the beach of the Bay of Bengal

Fishing Boat- This area was destroyed by the 2004 Tsunami

A beached fishing boat at Temple Bay, Bay of Bengal

The beach at the Bay of Bengal. Not a black sand beach- the black is pollution

Enjoying an authentic veg Tamil meal- Thali, Poori & Dal
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